Our approach to coaching is encouraging and supportive. Questioning, challenging and inquisitive, we’ll work with you to discover the best version of yourself.

Our methodology is proven and robust – working with public and private sector clients at a variety of levels, helping them reach professional goals.

Reach that destination – if you have a genuine desire to get ‘there’ but need to find your roadmap, with someone to guide you – let’s work together to reach that destination.

Our determination and honest approach will help you explore your potential, reflect and get results.

How does it work?

Coaching usually lasts for a defined period and focuses on specific work-related skills and goals. Typically, a coaching programme consists of a series of scheduled sessions. Coaching sessions usually last between 60-90 minutes typically 4-6 weeks apart, up to 6 sessions. Sessions take place in person, over the phone or virtually.

Typical topics are:

Essential management skills including delegation; planning; stakeholder engagement

Leadership interpersonal skills including influencing; motivating; resolving conflict; providing feedback; team development/effectiveness

Managing the team such as under-performance, difficult behaviour, conflict.

Leading change

Managing complex relationships including managing upwards

Managing performance

Navigating office politics

Building resilience

We will work together to develop a relationship built on trust, with strict confidentiality which encourages openness and sharing. This is done with the highest standards of integrity and respect. The first part of the coaching process is to go through a coaching contract with you to clarify your goals and agree: the process and scheduling of sessions; confidentiality and data protection requirements; expectations of each other and responsibilities. Depending on the context, this may also include your manager.

We will agree a way of working tailored to you; that way you have more control over the outcomes you wish to achieve. We will use a range of techniques and tools which will both challenge and support you and ensure you progress. This may include psychometric profiles.

Please look at our testimonials to see how we have helped clients succeed.

To find out more about coaching and the impact it has, please contact us here

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We can tell you more about the coaching process and we can discuss your needs and goals and determine the best way forward with you.
