It is teamwork that brings the competitive advantage. Teams need to work together effectively to meet organisational goals and vision. Team coaching is facilitating and challenging teams to maximise their performance. It is a powerful activity that focuses attention on what the team does, how they do it and how they work and relate to each other within the team in order to optimise their work and relationships with customers, stakeholders and other teams in an organisation.

Sessions take place in person or virtually.

How does it work?

We undertake a diagnostic of where the team currently is. Based on your goals and the needs established from the diagnostic, we will agree with you a series of facilitated team coaching sessions. A typical format will look like this but will be tailored according to your needs:

Phase One – we undertake effective consulting and contracting with you on the rationale and business case for your team coaching.

Phase Two – depending on the context, we may arrange one-to-one sessions with each team member in order to clarify personal objectives, and possibly discuss the diagnostics and psychometrics that may be used.

Phase Three – diagnostics completed. This may also include team members completing psychometrics.

Phase Four – a series of team development coaching sessions typically over a period of 1-12 months.

Phase Five – we will review and ensure that the final session leaves your team with a concrete and do-able action plan to implement the actions agreed amongst the team, ensure these actions and their learning ‘sticks’ and keep the momentum going to ensure team success.

Please look at our testimonials to see how we have helped clients succeed.

To find out more about team coaching, how it works and the additional benefits, please complete the following form. We can tell you more about the coaching process and we can discuss your needs and goals whilst determining the best way forward with you. To find out more and book this consultation, please complete the following:

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We can tell you more about the process and we can discuss your needs and goals to determine the best way forward with you.
